Equipment catalog

Choose a niche for sharpening manicure tools?

Choose a niche for sharpening manicure tools?
The demand for manicure and pedicure services grows with enviable consistency. And the number of masters of the beauty industry is growing. Just by typing in a search engine - you can observe how many of these professionals are around you. They all need professionally sharpened tools.

ADEMS a tip tip for the novice sharpener:

Buy inexpensive nail clippers, sharpen them, and go over the masters. Invite them to assess the quality of your sharpening, voice the cost of the work. Do not forget about a nice business card, of course, with all the contacts. If you do everything correctly, the result will not make you wait long. "Word of mouth" in the professional community works! They really, really need a reliable sharpener - the quality of the tool depends on the quality of their work as well!

Welcome to the community of professional sharpeners! Sign up for training now.
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